Welcome to the Projects page!
For nearly 20 years I have worked as an Artist in Residence across all year levels, specializing in Junior schools.
​Over the years I have created large installations displayed in prominent high traffic areas of the school, group projects for auction to raise school funds, and individual pieces that students retain. I have selected a few to show you.
Every project is unique and can take 2-3 weeks in class followed by many hours making up the final work in my studio. I have done many felt installations, but now focus on large scale collaged paintings using ink and watercolour. Some of the projects here show only a segment of the larger work. As you might imagine these large scale pieces are sometimes quite tricky to photograph!
I hope you enjoy what has been achieved when you have many hands at work!

Birds in the forest
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year levels: Prep - Grade 1
Subject: Sustainability and Nature
Each tree in this large work represents a student from Prep and Year 1.
The Grade 1 students created the birds.

Birds in the forest - detail
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year levels: Prep - Grade 1
Subject: Sustainability and Nature

Growing our own vegetables
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year level: Grade 4
Subject: Sustainability and Nature
This school, like many, has an area where vegetable beds are located. It shows what can be achieved when you grow your own food.

Growing our own vegetables - detail
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year level: Grade 4
Subject: Sustainability and Nature

Fruit and vegetables we can grow
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year levels: Grades 2 - 3
Subject: Sustainability and Nature
A study of fruits and vegetables was the focus for Grades 2 and 3.

Fruit and vegetables we can grow - detail
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year Levels: Grades 2 - 3
Subject: Sustainability and Nature

Caring for our bees
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year level: Grade 4
Subject: Sustainability and Nature
One of the most important aspects of our subject was the significance of bees in food production. Designing perfect homes for bees was our focus.

Caring for our bees - detail
Medium: ink, watercolour paper,Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year level: Grade 4
Subject: Sustainability and Nature

Sticky Produce!
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year level: Grade 4
Subject: Sustainability and Nature
We had a great time designing our own honey labels!

Caring for plants
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year level: Grade 5
Subject: Sustainability and Nature
Not everyone has room for a garden, but there is always a spot for some pot plants

Caring for plants
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year level: Grade 5
Subject: Sustainability and Nature
All comp0nents were painted with ink and then details were added with Posca pens

Caring for plants
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year level: Grade 5
Subject: Sustainability and Nature
Each student created a range of painted papers to use for their foliage.

Around the waterhole
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Caulfield Grammar Junior School (Malvern)
Year level: Grade 5
Subject: Jungle Life
This gorgeous three dimensional collage was enormous fun to make. All students created their own piece to retain as well as contributing a component to the Jungle!

Around the waterhole
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Caulfield Grammar Junior School (Malvern)
Year level: Grade 5
Subject: Jungle Life
Who doesn't love a sloth?

Around the waterhole
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Caulfield Grammar Junior School (Malvern)
Year level: Grade 5
Subject: Jungle Life
And a hippo and butterfly?

Around the waterhole - ready for auction!
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, Posca pens
School: Caulfield Grammar Junior School (Malvern)
Year level: Grade 5
Subject: Jungle Life

A village somewhere
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, black fine liner
School: Orchard Grove Primary
Year levels: Grades 4 - 6
Subject: Living in a village or small town

A village somewhere- detail
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, black fine liner
School: Orchard Grove Primary
Year levels: Grades 4 - 6
Subject: Living in a village or small town
Some students created a shop that they would like to see in their village, others imagined activities that they would like to do - gardening, riding a bike, planting vegetables, meeting at the cafe...

The gingerbread man walking his dog
Medium: Handmade felt
School: Ivanhoe Grammar
Year levels: Grades Prep - 6
Subject: A magical world where a gingerbread man walks his dog
The topic was chosen after a brainstorming session with the Preps.
The gingerbread man walking his dog - detail
Medium: ink, watercolour paper, black fine liner
School: Ivanhoe Grammar
Year levels: Grades Prep - 6
Subject: A magical world where a gingerbread man walks his dog

Hansel and Gretel
Medium: Handmade felt
School: Orchard Grove Primary
Year levels: Grades Prep - 6
Subject: Fairytales
A series of favourite fairytales were chosen and were installed in the library

The Aussie Bush
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: Orchard Grove Primary
Year level: Grade 6
Subject: Environment
Dozens of felts were made to create a 4 metre long scene of the Australian Bush

Our school
Medium: Handmade felt
School: Christ Church Grammar School
Year levels: Grades Prep - 6
Subject: Celebrating School Life
A very detailed installation, now in the school library, shows daily life at school. Drop off in the morning, going into church for choir practice, playing soccer and basketball. The border showcases all the subjects the students love - music, art, drama, science, maths etc
Our school - detail
Medium: Handmade felt
School: Christ Church Grammar School
Year levels: Grades Prep - 6
Subject: Celebrating School Life
This detail shows laying out the trees

Junior school drop off
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year level: Grades Prep - 5
Subject: Arriving at school
The familiar routine of of arriving for school each day. Lots of great places to play if you get there early enough. Kicking a soccer ball, playing hidey in the bamboo or a quiet spot, chatting with a friend or reading under a tree.

Junior school drop off - detail
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year levels: Grades Prep - 5
Subject: Arriving at school
One of the older buildings on the campus

School's Out
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year levels: Grades Prep - 5
Subject: Free time at school
After every project there are often a lot of small scrap pieces left over. This work was made to utilise those gorgeous little jewel leftovers and now hangs in the reception area at school.

School's Out
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: Camberwell Grammar School
Year levels: Grades Prep - 5
Subject: Free time at school
Meeting before and after school, waiting for a lift, there is a lot of fun to be had.

On the swing
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: St Leonard's
Year levels: Grades Prep - 5
Subject: Playing in the garden

On the swing - detail
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: St Leonard's
Year levels: Grades Prep - 5
Subject: Playing in the garden
These three dimensional flowers were created with many hands.
The Noisy Flock
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: Caulfield Grammar School
Year levels: Grades Prep - 6
Subject: Birds in Nature
This large work has hung for many years on the landing of the school staircase. Each bird represents a Grade 6 student.

The Enchanted Wood
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: Orchard Grove Primary School
Year levels: Grades Prep - 6
Subject: Trees and flowers
With any project there are sections that require more skills than others. All the little hands (Prep and Year 1) created the lovely stems of grass.

Don't be late for the meeting
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: MLC Junior School
Year level: Junior Staff Members
Subject: Staff meetings
For this work, the staff decided they wanted to have a go at felting. So after school one day they all arrived at the artroom, Some made the background felt, others made the stems to create a tree and the remaining members made the felt for the birds.

Hanging out in reception
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: Box Hill North Primary
Year levels: Grades 4 - 6
Subject: Fish
I had not long started working as an Artist in Residence when this project was completed. We decided to create some flying fish in reception and they seem to move without anyone touching them.

Village on the hill
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: MLC Junior School
Year levels: Grades 3 - 6
Subject: A village with sheep
Measuring just over 4 metres long, this lovely work was ideally suited to the stairwell. It is entirely stitched together and mounted on MDF to keep it secure on an elevated angle.

Village on the hill - detail
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: MLC Junior School
Year levels: Grades 3 - 6
Subject: A village with sheep

In Summer and Autumn
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: Carey Baptist Grammar School
Year levels: Grades 4 - 6
Subject: Trees
These large works celebrate an oak tree. They are mounted on MDF that has been painted black, providing an excellent "framed" effect.

In Summer and Autumn - detail
Medium: Handmade Felt
School: MLC Junior School
Year levels: Grades 4 - 6
Subject: Trees

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