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Elizabeth Armstrong


Once upon a time before covid I used to be flat out doing work as an Artist in Residence - which I just love. For nearly 20 years I’ve been privileged to be invited to teach in schools.

Naturally when the world seemed to stand still the work disappeared.

Now that it’s starting to pick up again, I wanted to share with you a variety of these projects.

Many of them have been created with handmade felt and over the last few

years or so, I have been delighted to do more works in collaged watercolour and ink.

What exactly is that? Quite simply it is painted images and backgrounds that are cut out and then assembled as a collage.

To begin with, I plan with the teacher what the subject will be well in advance. This can take anything up to a year! It allows for time to have discussions with the students and receive their input as well. Many artists come into a school and do work on, or for, a particular area - essentially working on their own with the students observing.

I love knowing that the work I do has input from every student. From the littlest bird in a tree to the largest elephant by the waterhole, all play a part in making the installation.

The reward is seeing students locate their part in the finished design.

Although I once overheard a Grade 3 student inform his grandma "this is my best work yet"

as he showed her the whole piece!

Sometimes a brief will entail gathering a lot of information, especially when the subject is a school. Lots of photographing of different areas takes place that are a) important to the school and b) able to be translated into paint or felt.

And after many, many hours........ it's done!

So far there are plans afoot in 2025 where I'll be heading "Out of this world" and

" Visiting the circus" in watercolour and ink.

How exciting!

I hope you'll keep an eye on our progress!





Comments (8)

Nov 18, 2024

Your art always makes me smile. It is so welcomed at this time of global turmoil


May 21, 2024

Another hundred days will be fun for us to watch. Feel free to take a small break but please continue when inspiration and time allow.

Hugs from Kallista😍


Mar 09, 2024

This sounds like it will be great fun! Thanks for sharing something enjoyable that will look good and be useful, too.

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HI there! Yes it really is fun - and using these pieces up that have been languishing in boxes feels great!



Nov 17, 2022

Hello there, I absolutely love your work. Such happy designs and colors. So excited to see your art. Keep playing and working and sharing.

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Thankyou so much. I really appreciate your encouragement. I hope you are finding time to be creative too!

Cheers Elizabeth xx


Sep 26, 2022

Looks great Elizabeth x

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Elizabeth Armstrong


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